Thursday, February 28, 2013



Anonymous said...

Thank you for this! Inspiration!

lonzoesmom said...

how tall are you?

AJ said...

Hey Lina (and everyone else as she maybe too busy to respond). I am in need of serious help. I am 100lbs OVERweight. College and a bad breakup caused depression, which caused weight gain. I need to get this weight off NOW...but have no idea where to start. Please help. I am dying...literally from all this weight. Please...any advice would be thankful.

Anonymous said...

Dear AJ,
I think the healthiest way to start right off would be from your food intake. Are you eating any junk food, drinks with sugar, alcoholic stuff? -> Cut ALL that right now. Coffee and tea is fine, just don't overdo it. By coffee I mean none of the Starbucks fancy stuff. Black, with milk, and sugar to taste.

Do you eat out regularly. IF so, STOP. Get a slowcooker, plan out your meals for the week. There are so many recipes for healthy slowcooking (chili, chicken breasts with different sauces...beef stew) that are loaded with veggies, and money saving at the same time.

If you feel like snacking, which I do all the time, bake your own granola in large batches. This is my morning ritual -> Granola, greek yogurt, honey, and maybe some bananas + Coffee. Take vitamins daily -> I do B complex, and fish oil, and green tea extract.

Lifestyle wise, exercise at least 3 times a week, 30 minutes minimum per session. Start with the elliptical, then do the treadmill maybe 3,4 weeks in, it will be hard, but you just have to push yourself. Think of that sexy body you will get when you're done! Start extending the time you gym a month or two in, in 5 or 10 minute increments. Consistency is KEY here.

This I learned from my dad (a total health freak)-> he has a strict rule of "no starch foods after 8:30 pm" -> no bread, noodles, rice, chips after 8:30. Period. This helps with your digestion.

Emotionally, breakups are HARD. This is something that you will have to learn to let go of. I have found that yoga helps a lot, every time I get out of a yoga session, I feel immensely better. You do not have to go to a fancy place for yoga. If you are self conscious, you can google tutorials, howtos that teach you all about meditation and yoga. My mother is al about meditating, as she runs her own business, and is always stressed out with something in the company. This works wonders for her, she meditates around 20 minutes a day, but I would say start with 10 minutes in a day, when you feel like life is just sucking all your emotions into that vortex of sadness.

I hope this helps, drink lots of water every day, and no matter how busy you are, sleep at least from 12 to 6, and wake up early!

AJ said...

Anonymous...thank you soooo much. You have no idea how much you have helped me. I am going to take ALL of your suggestions and start today!!!

I do eat out a lot, and thankfully I am already a gym member. One day at a time...I know it won't be easy, but its nothing like the present to get things going.

Again thank you.

Anonymous said...

AJ, you should probably email Lina. She can email you personally about her thoughts on these things. This comment section is just for public viewing. She doesn't really respond. For personal stuff, it's probably best to just email her directly to pick her brain. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

That, anonymous, is one of the kindest things I've seen done on this blog. Very nice. AJ, I agree with what she has said. I think when the goal is a big one of any sort--it is hard to stay on track. My best recommendation is to work on the mental part. Make a plan. Stick to it mentally, it helps. Like to just get right back on track. That's my favorite part of Lina's blog. You can see that she has created a lifestyle where each part supports the other part to living her ideal life. For example, those shakes or juicing or other healthy stuff she does, she is INTO it because it feeds into the rest of the things she likes. I'm sure that's why lots of people like her blog. She has a comprehensive approach to lifestyle. So mentally make changes that may be small but that you can stick with. One of the best things is to eat a healthy breakfast. Once that's part of your everyday really part of your life...hit another part. Until all the parts add up and your life is different. Breakfast is just my example. It can be whatever you think or want to do. Good luck! Let us know how you are doing.