Saturday, October 8, 2011


Not bad considering what I ate last night.

Anonymous asked........"I was just wondering, have you ever been bigger than you are now? 
Like have you ever had to really lose weight or have you always been maintaining? Thanks!"

Yes, I was a steady 122 - 125, 5 years ago. Then I dropped to 120 - 123, 3 years ago. 118 - 12O, two years ago. 
And now this 116 - 118. Ideally, I'd like to be 114 - 115, I look and feel best there. 
Maintaining is a must, but I'm still striving to shrink a little more, I've seen and felt how good it feels =)

No one can really tell in a major way........some say I'm crazy until they see an older picture =)


Dominique said...

You should get someone to take a real photo of you from your phone for us to see. You are a real inspiration to me. I really want to weigh 125-130, big I know but that is my goal.

Anonymous said...

Ms Catalina su. You ARE an inspiration
I am korean
I am 24
I am 123
I thought it's too late to want to be smaller, like it's only going downhill from here. Thanks for being so honest and real about yourself.
I pretty much check in to your blog every morning
I love you for your fitness fashion lifestyle everything
Keep doing you.
Ps: do you do wedding makeup? Like can normal people hire you to do that? Bc I would like to...

Jinny said...

I currently weigh 145 and I'm only 5"3! (eek). I'd like to get to around a steady 130. Gotta lot of work to do. :)

Anonymous said...

you provide inspiration to so many people, myself included! While i would totally understand why you wouldn't want to post it, any chance you would ever show us one of your older/heavier shots? As a before/after?