Tuesday, November 16, 2010


1. With your finger, take a dab of The Duwop Doubleglow 7, Nars Concealer, and Joe Blasco Concealer.

2. Dab under the eyes - do not blend, just apply and then let it sit. Do the one eye and then the other.

3. Use The Beauty Blender and push the concealer into the skin- lightly.

4. If you wear foundation, take The Beauty Blender and mend around the outside of the concealed area with your foundation.

* wrinkles- use more Duwop with the Smashbox Foundation Brush and pat, pat onto the skin

* if on set or for camera- set it with Invisible Powder or Blot Powder from MAC

* for everyday use- Let it air dry, that's my preference. But if you must powder, wait until it is completely dry then powder lightly.


maggmar16 said...

Hi Catalina - thanks for such a prompt reply and sharing this technique very helpful and informative I'm off shopping now!!! Thanks so much

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing! This really Helps! Do you dampen the beauty blender with water or Evian spray to move the product around the eyes? Which product do you prefer best around the eyes of the three listed? Thank You!

maggmar16 said...

Do you use an eye cream or eye primer before the concealer
Which would you really recommend work best for this? xyou

Noodle said...

Thank you for sharing!!! Nobody can do it like you.