Sunday, December 29, 2013



Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! How do you do it? I weigh 160lbs and would love to be 120! Please HELP! Xx

Amy said...

please share more recipes!

Anonymous said...

Please please please

Anonymous said...

You are my hero.
Will you give us an example workout to follow for those of use looking to go balls to the wall.

What's a good place to start in the gym? Is the incline more important than speed on the treadmill?

Just a few tips Lina. Thanks

Anonymous said...

It's obvious what she does, guys. She barely eats (and when she does it seems to be very healthy) and works out daily, sometimes 2x a day. If you want to drop lbs for serious, you have to severely limit your caloric intake and work your ass off at the gym. That's it- no magic. She isn't doing anything you can't do. she just has will power. You want it? Get it.