Thursday, April 4, 2013



Anonymous said...

Yay was looking at this the other day at wholefoods. I have to try! Xo

Anonymous said...

good stuff, sucks that it is dairy though...

Anonymous said...

Lina, thank you for posting how to lose weight fast to AJ! I started this morning..need to lose 10lbs before my birthday on Sunday! I'm sure it will work thanks boo

Laurie said...

Anon 8:55 please STOP and think about what you just said. Most people who are completely dedicated to weight loss are lucky to lose 10 pounds in 1 month. Think about the effect it will have on your body if you lose 10 pounds in 3 days (which, just to clarify, is not actually possible). If you follow Lina's guidelines and honestly try to lose that much weight in 3 days, I guarantee that you will irreversibly damage your metabolism. I know it would be ideal to be at your goal weight on your birthday, but maybe instead you could get in a few good workouts in the next few days and take daily epsom salt baths to pull out the water weight and then give yourself a gym membership, a new workout dvd, or a pantry/fridge stocked full of nutritious food as a birthday gift. That way you will be able to lose those 10 pounds but over a responsible period of time.

Just a rough summary of what will happen if you attempt to lose that much weight in three days- surely you have drastically cut your calories, probably to about 1,000 to 1,200 calories per day which shocks your body into thinking it's starving and you have encountered a food shortage. Hear this very clearly- this will make you gain weight eventually even if it's just for three days. Your body will not burn fat in this state. your body will begin to store fat in attempt to keep your body insulated and will being to burn muscle to fuel your body. You will feel tired, weak, emotional, and your skin will look dull and your pores will most likely begin to clog. You may even look heavier than you did before you started because your body will retain water around the fat cells to protect them. That alone isn't worth it but then when the time comes that you realize you cannot subsist on a mere 1,200 calories a day and begin to incorporate more food into your diet, your body will begin to store those new calories as fat because it is preparing for another food shortage aka foolish diet. Your metabolism has adjusted to operate much slower so as not to burn more calories than necessary and it will take years and an uncomfortable amount of weight gain to retrain your metabolism after that damage. It is wonderful that you want to lose weight, but PLEASE give your body a fighting chance to keep the weight off so that you won't be struggling with and extra 10-20 pounds for the rest of your life. There is no need for a female to ever consume less that 1,600 calories a day because your metabolism should never forget how to be busy.

Lina, don't you feel at all responsible to encourage your readers to do a little bit of research on their own before they commit to your plan, which I'm sorry to say is bordering on pro-ana advice? What to suggest to your readers is extremely harmful. You might not think so because you've been doing it for so long, but weight loss maintenance should not be as hard as it seems to be for you. You are not a nutritionist or dietitian and you are definitely not a doctor, so you should make it clear to your readers that your advice is based purely off your lifestyle and does not disclose the possible (read: probable) risks involved. You are aware that if your advice were ever to harm someone you could be sued for that, right?

Please give this some thought, I have no problem with anyone being whatever size they want but it makes me so angry that it is so easy to propagate the myth that in order to reach that size, you must do harm to your body.

Anonymous said...

Laurie, while you have some valid points, please STOP and relax a little. I don't think anyone would have legal grounds to sue Lina for sharing what works for HER and HER BODY.

Anonymous said...

Duh seriously. People need to figure out what works best for their own bodies. Can't blame someone else for their own lifestyle, especially if they are not imposing it in anyone.

Cindy said...

At what point are people RESPONSIBLE for their OWN decisions and actions?!?!?!

Laurie - you took the time to give another side to the result of severely cutting calories which is great....BUT, no one is holding a gun to anyone's head and no one's forcing anyone to do anything.

Anonymous said...

Lina, tried this today at wholefoods SO bomb!! Xx

Sarah Lauren said...

I'm going to check this out next time I go on a Whole Foods run, even though dairy makes me break out like crazy! The products should pay you if they haven't already since you have a lot of followers of your skinny regime!