Monday, March 12, 2012

Two Tablespoons

right when you wake up


right before bed

My skinny healthy friend said so =)

Whole Foods


Anonymous said...

What are the benefits of doing this though? Losing weight? De-bloat? Thanks xo

TheGirl said...

Sorry for the clueless Q, but the apple cider is to be mixed with water or on its own?

C A T A L I N A S U said...

not sure, I think it burns fatt not sure google it I just listen to the one's I trust =)

no water- straight up

Anonymous said...

I tried this technique abt a month ago- major gag reflex when I tried to take it like a shot. mixed it with a little apple juice and it just intensified the flavor.

please share if you find a good way to take it! xo

--maria said...

Here is a great link to show the benefits and also other ways of taking it besides straight (dillute it with water or with some organic honey):

Definitely give you a pat on the back for downing that stuff straight Catalina!

Anonymous said...

tried it but didnt work for me. its actually bad for ur esophagus :(

Anonymous said...

i'm going to try this tomorrow morning,straight up..i'm kind of scurred

Anonymous said...

It can also be bad for your teeth, longterm. Something to consider.